Erectile Dysfunction Treatments – Is Priapus the Answer For Your Erectile Dysfunction?
The number of Erectile Dysfunction treatments available to the male population is staggering but sadly, many men do not seek treatment due to embarrassment. According to Bloom Aesthetics Med Spa, nearly 18 million men over the age of twenty are suffering from Erectile Dysfunction but unfortunately, many men who suffer from this condition are unwilling to be tested for erectile dysfunction because of the social stigmas attached to male sexual dysfunction. The stigma surrounding this condition can make seeking treatment even more difficult. It’s hard enough dealing with an erection problem, let alone the anxiety that accompanies it. Fortunately, there is help. Many Erectile Dysfunction treatments are expensive and only treat mild cases of erectile dysfunction and often the patient must wait several months before they can become free of prescription erectile dysfunction medications. Unfortunately, traditional treatment methods such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, and Macrolane aren’t always the answer and often provide little to no relief from erectile problems. Because of this, more men than ever are now turning to alternative treatments like Erectile Dysfunction Medications or Erectile Arousal Creams to help them solve their erectile problems. One of the most popular treatments available today uses potent herbal ingredients like Yohimbe extract, epimedium leaf extract, and Epimedium leaf juice that have been scientifically proven to increase nitric oxide levels and improve blood flow to the penis. Other ingredients commonly used include Tribulus Terrestris and Muira Puama extracts. Doctors recommend these ingredients as an ingredient in potent Erectile Dysfunction Treatments that are meant to treat erectile dysfunction that is caused by hormonal imbalances or other medical conditions. Doctors may also prescribe this type of treatment for patients who have suffered strokes or brain damage that has caused a reduction in blood flow around the penis. By using this type of medication along with psychotherapy and lifestyle changes, many of these patients find that their erectile dysfunction improves drastically. Another potent Erectile Dysfunction Treatments ingredient that has shown promise is the natural compound, P-Shot. This compound has been scientifically proven to stimulate growth factors inside the body. When used as part of an overall treatment plan, P-Shot helps improve blood flow to the penis and can even improve the effectiveness of other treatments. Some other studies have even shown the growth factors to reduce or eliminate the formation of scar tissue after prostate surgery. This is a key ingredient that doctors often use when treating patients who have undergone radical prostate surgery. Most men take advantage of treatments like these when they are looking for ways to cure erectile dysfunction. But for some men, medical treatment is not an option. There is one type of Erectile Dysfunction Treatment that does not require pills, creams, injections, or surgery: the priapus procedure. Priapus is Latin for “priapus stone” and this procedure involves stimulating the pituitary gland to release more growth hormones into the bloodstream. In the end, this can help you get rid of erectile dysfunction once and for all. Priapus is only one out of an entire set of Erectile Dysfunction Treatments that have shown promising results. In fact, the only downside to using Erectile Dysfunction Treatments like this is the time involved in the actual treatment process. If your desire is to get rid of your erectile dysfunction as quickly and effectively as possible, then you should definitely look into the priapus procedure. You do have to undergo several weeks of preparation and exercises before your body will actually be receptive to the growth factors. But because it is a completely natural approach, you can expect to see long term results, without having to take any medication or use any type of supplements. And because there are no side effects, you can use this treatment method for years, instead of waiting for the effects of prescription drugs to wear off.